Google Advertising for Small Businesses: Top 14 Tips

Bethanny Parker
6 min readAug 11, 2020
Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

Businesses of all sizes advertise on Google, but small businesses have a special challenge that big businesses don’t have: small advertising budgets. Google advertising for small businesses can be very effective when done well, but there is a dark side: Like most forms of advertising, there are no guarantees. If you’re not careful, you could spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a campaign for little or no return. Here are 14 tips to help you get the most out of your Google advertising campaigns.

Tip #1: Set a Budget

One thing that makes Google advertising a good choice for small businesses is the ability to set a daily budget. When determining how much you are willing to spend, keep in mind that it’s entirely possible to run a campaign and not get any sales. When you set up your initial budget, you should set it at a level that you are willing to lose. How much can your business afford to put into an advertising campaign that may or may not pay off?

Let’s say you can afford to lose $10 per day ($300 per month) on advertising that brings in no results. Set your daily Google Ads budget to $10 per day to start, and then evaluate the results. Did you make any sales from your Google advertising? How much are those new customers worth to you? Once you have tested the ads and have a…



Bethanny Parker

I write about content marketing, SEO, employee relations, real estate, marketing, sustainability, personal development, and more.