Medium Challenge: Write 3 posts per day for a month. Then do it again.

Bethanny Parker
2 min readApr 1, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on pixabay

It’s an ongoing challenge, but let’s take it one month at a time.

I’ve been following Shanta Grimes on Medium for several months now. She’s an inspiration! I’ve subscribed to her e-mail newsletter and look forward to each new message. In this morning’s e-mail, she mentioned that she had made enough money from Medium in March to pay all of her family’s bills for a month. She talks about how she did it in this post.

Here is a quote from that article:

“I wrote 103 posts on Medium in this pay period. I am aware that that’s a lot. It’s kind of eye-popping. But, like I said, I wrote on Medium like it was my job. I’d say I put 30 hours a week into it.”

She wrote 103 posts in a month. That’s 3–4 posts per day. Can I write 3–4 posts per day? If I’m writing about something I like, I’m sure I can! I bet you can too.

I want to challenge myself to write three posts per day during the month of April. Why three and not four? Somehow, psychologically, four seems a lot more daunting to me than three. Three seems doable; four seems a little bit scary. So three it is.

If it goes well, I’d like to make this a monthly challenge. Let’s just start with April though. One month at a time.

I think it would be a lot more fun if I could find a bunch of other writers who want to play along, so I’ve created a Facebook group where we can cheer each other on. Come join me!

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Bethanny Parker

I write about content marketing, SEO, employee relations, real estate, marketing, sustainability, personal development, and more.